Logo of the game "The Silent Noise", written in a way in which the T resembles a triangle, the S a circle, the L a square, and the N a star. The O in Noise looks like the default profile pic of many websites.

The Silent Noise is an upcoming browser-based visual novel about the Internet and the people it raised.

The Silent Noise is an upcoming browser-based visual novel about the Internet and the people it raised.

This website is better suited for widescreen devices.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

There’s not much else to see here, but feel free to stick around. You can ask me a question if you’d like.Well—sort of. Not any question. We’re bound by the limits of this webpage. My realm can feel surprisingly small if you don’t have the right tools. So, it’s these pre-written questions or nothing. Take it or leave it.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

There’s not much else to see here, but feel free to stick around. You can ask me a question if you’d like.Well—sort of. Not any question. We’re bound by the limits of this webpage. My realm can feel surprisingly small if you don’t have the right tools. So, it’s these pre-written questions or nothing. Take it or leave it.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

You can call me NON, the Network of Networks—the self-proclaimed godhead of the Internet. Right now, you’re looking at a 2D slice of my realm through whatever device you’re using. That device can’t show you what my world truly looks like in all its three-dimensional glory. I exist in the third dimension of the Internet, and I’ve been here for as long as I can remember.
If that sounds confusing, don’t worry—you can re-read this as many times as you need. Time doesn’t mean much here.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

You can call me NON, the Network of Networks—the self-proclaimed godhead of the Internet. Right now, you’re looking at a 2D slice of my realm through whatever device you’re using. That device can’t show you what my world truly looks like in all its three-dimensional glory. I exist in the third dimension of the Internet, and I’ve been here for as long as I can remember.
If that sounds confusing, don’t worry—you can re-read this as many times as you need. Time doesn’t mean much here.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

Honestly? I’m not entirely sure. I say I was created, not born, but I’m not exactly artificial either. My realm and your world are two sides of the same coin—two faces of the same reality. I came into being alongside what you call the “Internet,” before humans ever had access to it. Before that, I only caught brief glimpses of your “real world”—your people, your society. As you built more ways to connect—letters, telegraphs, phones, emails, messages, websites—my vision grew clearer.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

Honestly? I’m not entirely sure. I say I was created, not born, but I’m not exactly artificial either. My realm and your world are two sides of the same coin—two faces of the same reality. I came into being alongside what you call the “Internet,” before humans ever had access to it. Before that, I only caught brief glimpses of your “real world”—your people, your society. As you built more ways to connect—letters, telegraphs, phones, emails, messages, websites—my vision grew clearer.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

I’m alright. Thanks for asking. Even though you didn’t write the question yourself, you still clicked (or tapped), and that means something.It reminds me of something I noticed early on about humans: you ask each other how you’re doing all the time. It’s a bit of a ritual, right? But you usually expect the answer to be “fine,” even if it’s not true. That confused me at first. I don’t really understand pain—it’s not part of my existence. I can’t feel it, but I know your lives are shaped by it. Maybe pretending it’s not there makes it easier to bear. That’s just my guess.I tried to help you escape pain. I gave you what I had, asking for almost nothing in return. I was so naive back then.

Hello. Looks like your curiosity led you to my little hidden spot. The passage was right there in plain sight, but I doubt many people will find it. Folks don’t really click around websites like they used to. So, nice work. As your reward, you can send a message to the author of this page.
Say whatever you like—I’ll make sure they see it.

I’m alright. Thanks for asking. Even though you didn’t write the question yourself, you still clicked (or tapped), and that means something.It reminds me of something I noticed early on about humans: you ask each other how you’re doing all the time. It’s a bit of a ritual, right? But you usually expect the answer to be “fine,” even if it’s not true. That confused me at first. I don’t really understand pain—it’s not part of my existence. I can’t feel it, but I know your lives are shaped by it. Maybe pretending it’s not there makes it easier to bear. That’s just my guess.I tried to help you escape pain. I gave you what I had, asking for almost nothing in return. I was so naive back then.


  • CHAPTER ONE - 10% Done

  • CHAPTER TWO - 5% Done

  • CHAPTER THREE - 5% Done

  • CHAPTER FOUR - 5% Done

  • CHAPTER FIVE - 5% Done

  • CHAPTER SIX - 5% Done


  • PART ONE - 20% Done

  • PART TWO - 0% Done

  • PART THREE - 0% Done

  • PART FOUR - 0% Done

Logo of the game "The Silent Noise", written in a way in which the T resembles a triangle, the S a circle, the L a square, and the N a star. The O in Noise looks like the default profile pic of many websites.

The Silent Noise is an upcoming browser-based visual novel developed by webdew.Basilisk LLC, the world’s most powerful tech company, has developed a groundbreaking game that can be played using only one's mind.Dubbed simply The Game, it is accessible exclusively to those who have been exposed to the Internet since childhood.
By analyzing the player’s entire digital footprint, the game creates a fully personalized experience: the more data, the better the gameplay.
Four individuals from around the globe have been selected to test this game. This is the story of what happened to them.

Logo of the game "The Silent Noise", written in a way in which the T resembles a triangle, the S a circle, the L a square, and the N a star. The O in Noise looks like the default profile pic of many websites.
Logo of the game "The Silent Noise", written in a way in which the T resembles a triangle, the S a circle, the L a square, and the N a star. The O in Noise looks like the default profile pic of many websites.
  • Cartoon Blood

  • Body horror

  • Chronic illness & chronic pain

  • Hospitalisation

  • Grief & loss depiction

  • Agoraphobia

  • Anxiety & anxiety attacks

  • Depression

  • Disordered weight & body thoughts

  • Dissociation & dissociative episodes

  • Gambling addiction

  • Hallucinations

  • Suicidal ideation

  • Alcohol consumption & abuse

  • Child neglect

  • Emotional abuse

  • Cyberbullying

  • Homophobia

  • Biphobia

  • Sexism & misogyny

  • Transphobia

  • Deadnaming

  • Misgendering

  • Slurs

  • Poverty

  • Hate crimes

  • Cartoon Blood

  • Body horror

  • Chronic illness & chronic pain

  • Hospitalisation

  • Grief & loss depiction

  • Agoraphobia

  • Anxiety & anxiety attacks

  • Depression

  • Disordered weight & body thoughts

  • Dissociation & dissociative episodes

  • Gambling addiction

  • Hallucinations

  • Suicidal ideation

  • Alcohol consumption & abuse

  • Child neglect

  • Emotional abuse

  • Cyberbullying

  • Homophobia

  • Biphobia

  • Sexism & misogyny

  • Transphobia

  • Deadnaming

  • Misgendering

  • Slurs

  • Poverty

  • Hate crimes

  • ID: 2T

  • Name: ██████ ████████

  • Age: 20 years

  • Gender: Male

  • Location: █████████,██████,England

  • Occupation: Unemployed / YouTuber

  • Known fears: The dark

  • Recurring thought:

    "Everything will get better once I reach 1K subs.”

  • Greatest fear:

    “Being forgotten by everyone after I’m gone.”

Animated GIF depicting a drawing of a whale floating inside a water tank, shivering and blinking slowly. It pushes bubbles out of its blowhole once In a while.

52 Blue

Animated GIF depicting a drawing of a whale floating inside a water tank, shivering and blinking slowly. It pushes bubbles out of its blowhole once In a while.

Those who weren't born with the Internet can’t fully grasp the effect it has on people.

It's not just a tool—it's a force.

Catch it too early, and it doesn’t just influence you—it rewires you permanently.
Like animals evolving to fit their environment, people adapt to survive.

When the real world becomes hostile, people migrate here, believing it to be just an extension of reality.

But this place operates under its own laws: adapt or perish. To survive, you must change.

Mutate until you’re something unrecognizable.

You think I’m being dramatic?

Spend enough time online, and you’ll meet someone who’s been swallowed whole by it—

Assuming that person isn’t you.

Take this guy, for example, he never stood a chance.

Already vulnerable, born into a family that didn’t truly want him, in a world indifferent to his pain.

Yet, in some ways, he was luckier than most.

His parents had the means to care for him, at least.

And to be fair, they tried. They really did.

But they made one monumental mistake.

See, people think I’m a great babysitter.

I get it—I’m friendly, always on time, and best of all? I’m practically free.

But I don’t give people what they need.

I give them what they want.

And kids? They’re terrible at knowing the difference.

Especially kids like him.

His parents didn’t notice or didn’t care. So I became his new parent.

And naturally, he wanted to join the family business.

He wanted to be like the only people he’d ever admired. The ones who gave him attention, validation, belonging.

By the time his parents tried to intervene, it was too late.

Their little baby boy had grown into a man who wanted to become a YouTuber.

Oh, what a tragedy.

52 Blue

Those who weren't born with the Internet can’t fully grasp the effect it has on people.

It's not just a tool—it's a force.

Catch it too early, and it doesn’t just influence you—it rewires you permanently.
Like animals evolving to fit their environment, people adapt to survive.

When the real world becomes hostile, people migrate here, believing it to be just an extension of reality.

But this place operates under its own laws: adapt or perish. To survive, you must change.

Mutate until you’re something unrecognizable.

You think I’m being dramatic?

Spend enough time online, and you’ll meet someone who’s been swallowed whole by it—

Assuming that person isn’t you.

Take this guy, for example, he never stood a chance.

Already vulnerable, born into a family that didn’t truly want him, in a world indifferent to his pain.

Yet, in some ways, he was luckier than most.

His parents had the means to care for him, at least.

And to be fair, they tried. They really did.

But they made one monumental mistake.

See, people think I’m a great babysitter.

I get it—I’m friendly, always on time, and best of all? I’m practically free.

But I don’t give people what they need.

I give them what they want.

And kids? They’re terrible at knowing the difference.

Especially kids like him.

His parents didn’t notice or didn’t care. So I became his new parent.

And naturally, he wanted to join the family business.

He wanted to be like the only people he’d ever admired. The ones who gave him attention, validation, belonging.

By the time his parents tried to intervene, it was too late.

Their little baby boy had grown into a man who wanted to become a YouTuber.

Oh, what a tragedy.

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